Quinnipiac University Going Tobacco Free
Quinnipiac University is dedicated to fostering a culture of wellness for our faculty and staff, students, and visitors.
The decision to make Quinnipiac tobacco free demonstrates our intention to provide a healthier environment for all.
The North Haven Campus is currently tobacco free, and as of January 1, 2019, all Quinnipiac University properties will be tobacco free.
We are committed to improving the health and environment of our overall community while promoting healthy behaviors.
The goals of the Tobacco Free QU program are to:

  • Continue to promote a cultural shift toward healthier living

  • Foster a university culture of wellness in which tobacco users are supported in their attempts to quit tobacco products

  • Provide resources, tools and training to eliminate tobacco’s harmful impact

While current tobacco users are encouraged to kick the habit, the University is not requiring them to quit, however they may not use tobacco while at work.
We recognize that quitting tobacco can be a significant personal challenge. If you are ready to quit, we want to support your efforts.
Quinnipiac offers numerous resources to help including a partnership with CommuniCare.
Commuincare provides tobacco cessation counseling over several weeks with a personalized quit plan and a support system to help achieve and maintain success.

Please view our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below:

Click any of the questions below for more detail:

Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States. Quinnipiac University has made a commitment to help people take control of their health, providing its students, faculty, staff, and visitors with a healthy, clean, and safe place to work, live, and learn. A tobacco-free campus also serves as a positive example for others—especially secondary school students and children on our campus.

The policy is available through the following document: View Tobacco-Free Policy (PDF)

The policy applies to anyone who is on Quinnipiac University property, i.e., faculty, staff, students, contractors, vendors, volunteers, and visitors.

The use of any and all tobacco products (including e-cigarettes, snus, and other tobacco related products not approved by FDA) are prohibited on all Quinnipiac owned and leased properties, including parking areas and athletic fields. This policy also prohibits tobacco use in university vehicles as well as personal, private, leased, or borrowed vehicles not owned by the university, when on the Quinnipiac grounds.

Offering designated smoking areas does not support Quinnipiac's goal of creating a healthy, clean and safe environment for everyone. Eliminating tobacco use on our campus supports those who are trying to quit, and helps to eliminate employees ‘and visitors’ exposures to second hand smoke. We are working to reduce the triggers, like designated tobacco use areas that make tobacco cessation difficult. A tobacco free campus is the most effective and considerate way for us to provide the best possible environment.

Faculty and staff who do NOT choose to stop using tobacco products will need to learn how to not smoke and manage their tobacco use (i.e., by the use of nicotine replacement therapy) during work hours. Several support programs and resources are available. See links under resources, contact the Office of Human Resources for on campus smoking cessation programs, QU medical plans cover replacement therapy.

View Smoking Cessation Products Covered Under Quinnipiac University’s Prescription Plans

Becoming a tobacco-free workplace and campus does not mean you have to quit. What it means is that you will not be able to smoke or use tobacco products on the grounds as of January 1, 2019 or while on work time. However, we will encourage everyone to quit because of the great health benefits associated with being tobacco free.

The success of this initiative requires courtesy, respect, and cooperation from all members of the Quinnipiac University community. There may still be individuals, especially visitors, who are not aware of this initiative. Members of Quinnipiac University will share the responsibility of respectfully letting others know about the Tobacco Free QU initiative. If you see someone smoking or using tobacco, we ask that you, in a kind and compassionate way, let them know that the University is now tobacco free. Thank you for your help keeping the University tobacco free!

The policy states that no tobacco use by employees is allowed while on Quinnipiac University property, including parking areas. You will not be able to smoke in your car if it is parked on the property grounds or on work time.

The Tobacco-free policy is not about making tobacco users quit their habit. It is about maintaining a healthy environment and eliminating everyone’s exposure to tobacco and secondhand smoke. Those who choose to use tobacco need to refrain from use while on university grounds.

All tobacco products are banned under the policy. Tobacco is defined as all tobacco-derived or containing products, including and not limited to: cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, blunts, dipping tobacco, e-cigarettes, hookah, queen’s tobacco-pipe, loose leaf shag (tobacco), smoke-less tobacco, snuff, snus, and any product intended to mimic tobacco products.

This policy also includes any newly-devised tobacco or nicotine delivery products promoted by tobacco industries that are not recognized as cessation devices by the Food and Drug Administration.

Tobacco use continues to be a leading cause of preventable illness and death in the United States. Hazards of second-hand tobacco smoke are well known. Tobacco is the only product that, when used as intended, leads to serious illness and premature death.

Source: American Lung Association, www.lungusa.org.

We ask that you help maintain a positive relationship with our neighbors. As a good citizen of our larger community, it is important to be respectful of our neighbors by keeping litter and smoke away from neighboring properties.

These are available to employees and dependents covered on our medical plans, covered at $0 copayment:

• Buproprion SR (generic version of Zyban only) - 168 days per year allowed

• Chantix - 168 days per year allowed

• OTC generic nicotine gum - 168 days per year allowed

• OTC generic nicotine gum kit - 168 days per year allowed

• Nicotine Patches (generics only) - 168 days per year allowed

American Cancer Society "Stay Away from Tobacco" Site

Whether you're a smoker, someone who uses smokeless tobacco, or just someone trying to help a friend or loved one, you'll find the information you need.

American Lung Association

The American Lung Association is the leading organization working to save lives by improving lung health and preventing lung disease through Education, Advocacy and Research.

CDC News Release on dangers of e-cigarettes

New CDC study finds dramatic increase in e-cigarette-related calls to poison centers.


Commit to Quit is funded through the Connecticut Department of Public Health. Our goal is to provide the tools to help people quit their tobacco use and to avoid the many health consequences of tobacco use.

Connecticut Quitline or 1-800-QuitNow

When you join our FREE program we'll help you create an easy-to-follow Quitting Plan that will show you how to get ready, take action and then live the rest of your life as a non-smoker.

EX - A new way to think about quitting smoking

The EX Plan is a free quit smoking program, one that can show you a whole new way to think about quitting.


Want to know more about Freedom from Smoking and the benefits of a smoke-free life? Click the link to explore the program.

National Cancer Institute: Tobacco and Smoking Cessation Fact Sheets

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which is one of 11 agencies that compose the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).


A quitting site provided by GlaxoSmithKline.


Smokefree.gov is intended to help you or someone you care about quit smoking.


How much will you save?


An educational campaign for the U.S. military, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense.