Quinnnipiac University Honors Admissions Application:


     Please either complete the online form below, or download and fill out this PDF Application and e-mail to Honors_Forms@quinnipiac.edu 


 If you have any difficulty accessing the online form or the PDF application, you may instead please send your name, student number, and major or program to which you have been accepted, as well as a a 500-word essay to explain your interest in the program, to Honors_Forms@quinnipiac.edu . In the essay respond to the following:  what do you envision for college? How do you imagine participating in the University Honors Program in ways that express and develop intellectual curiosity to support not only of your goals but also of the mission of the University Honors Program? (Be specific about what this means)


Please note:  Internet Explorer or Safari are required to complete this application online Form. 

Clicking the Save button will submit the application


For Technical problems please contact:  Marc.Saddig@Quinnipiac.edu